Valentin Haudiquet

Computer science student at ENS Rennes

Interested in operating systems, virtualization, computer architecture, embedded systems


2024 - ?

M2 SIF, ENS Rennes, Second year of CS Master's Degree (Research)

2023 - 2024

Agrégation, ENS Rennes, Preparation for national competitive exam

'Agrégé' in computer science, rank 14/22

2022 - 2023

M1 SIF, ENS Rennes, First year of CS Master's Degree (Research)

2021 - 2022

L3 SIF, ENS Rennes, Last year of CS Bachelor's Degree

2018 - 2021

Prépa, Lycée Bellevue Toulouse, two-year intensive program preparing for the national competitive exams for entry to engineering schools.

Prépa MPSI/MP, entry to ENS Rennes

Professional experience

Summer 2023

Master's internship, Huawei Research Zurich, “Improving performances of virtualized servers by removing the guest kernel/user isolation layer”

Working on a Linux kernel patch to allow programs to run in kernel mode

2022 - 2023

Master's research project, IRISA (Rennes), “Transparent use of node-local storage for asynchronous I/O on supercomputers”

Library replacing MPI-IO calls, caching data locally, with neighbour communication

Summer 2022

Bachelor's internship, IRIT (Toulouse), “Reducing traffic in data centers by avoiding the transition of data through intermediate servers”

Library replacing read/write, using memory protection to provide data on-demand

Personal projects

2023 - 2024

RISC-V simulator

Basic RISC-V processor simulator, capable of running BBL and booting Linux

2022 - 2023

Java Virtual Machine implementation, school project

Basic C JVM for GNU/Linux, Java 8 specs, using OpenJRE runtime

2018 - ?

Blade Player, Android multi-source music player

Maintaining for 100+ users this Android application that plays music from Spotify or Deezer

2018 - 2020

Operating system kernel development,x86 architecture

Basic operating system kernel, with drivers, filesystem, Newlib ported, dash shell


Programming languages

C, Assembly (x86, RISC-V, ARM), Java, Python, Kotlin, OCaml

Development workflow

Git, Bash scripting, CI/CD pipelines, containers, virtual machines

Presentation tools

LaTeX, Figma, HTML/CSS, Inkscape, Gimp

Spoken languages

French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (basic)




Phone number

+33 7 87 18 09 65

Street address

15 rue de Viarmes, 35000 Rennes, France

